Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday poem - night passed

This poem is part of a series titled 'Huron Days' I wrote in 1995 during a week's stay at  Pinery Provincial Park, located on the eastern shores of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.

night passed in

a flash of lightning

that lit the waters

into ribbons of zinc


this morning is cloaked

in vapours that even

the sun cannot burn away


we float unseen

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday poem - I hear you

This poem is part of a series titled 'Huron Days' I wrote in 1995 during a week's stay at  Pinery Provincial Park, located on the eastern shores of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.

I hear you within the
fluid motion of my mind
in moments following me
as a sister shadow
your fingers caress
my heartbeat like
a keyboard while
your voice ebbs
in light-waves
I close my eyes the way
a net is cast in water
fishing for images that
lie deep in memory
and your lips in a puff
bring the moon to
dance upon my eyelids
fomenting a fever
for lost paradises





Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday nature journal - A Date With Martha

This nature journal entry should be read in tandem with the Fly a Kite for Endangered Species Event  earlier post. I hope that Martha's fate can be a reference for all of us to ponder over.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Vola un’Aquilone per Specie in Pericolo

Vola un’Aquilone per Specie in Pericolo
un evento proposto da Domenico D’Alessandro ©2013

Volare aquiloni e uno dei favoriti passatempi  in tutti i paesi del mondo che involge persone di ogni eta. Vola un’Aquilone per Specie in Pericolo propone di creare una giornata mondiale per commemorare la morte dell’ultimo piccione passaggiatore (1 Settembre, 1914) e promuovere la protezione di specie in pericolo sul nostro pianeta.  Lo scopo e di disseminare infornazione sulla condizione precaria delle specie in pericolo e di raccogliere un millione di dollari per il WWF. Questa cifra puo sembrare inaccessibile ma credo possibile nel contesto di una partecipazione mondiale. Questa idea mi e venuta mentre lavoravo sulla mia contribuzione artistica per il Progetto Piccione Viaggiatore; mi sono reso conto che un evento partecipatorio puo generare piu interesse di un solo lavoro artistico esibito per un determinato periodo.  Il mio sito blog e gia letto da persone in 34 nazioni, chiedo il vostro aiuto per coinvolgere le instituzioni e scuole del  vostro paese a partecipare invitandole a leggere quetso post.

Un sito web sara creato per condividere video, foto e coordinare l’evento. Organizzazioni di aquiloni, scuole, musei, istituti d’arte, enti ambientali sono invitati a partecipare registrando sul sito. Le regole di partecipazione sono semplici, si richiede di includere nella grafica e design dell’aquilone una referenza al piccione migratorio e un’immagine di una specie in pericolo preferibilmente del posto di partecipazione. Si invita gli alunni di scuola inoltre all’aquilone a creare posters sulla ricerca di specie in pericolo che verranno esibito durante la giornata dll’evento. Una selezione di questi posters saranno esibito nel sito web con i vari video e fotografie provenienti da tutti gli eventi.

Se l’evento  si realizza con successo sara uno spettacolo di colore e bellezza, un’assortimento di aquiloni nei cieli di vari paesi e culture con esibizioni dei posters e lavori d’arte. Sara un’opportunita per promuovere un programma scholastico per il miglioramento e protezione  della biodiversita, e creare spunti per un dialogo socio-politico in riguardo dell’ambiente e trattamento di specie oltre il generis umano.

Festivali di aquiloni gia esistenti nel mondo mostrano una grande creativita, bellezza e amore per quest’attivita che in molti casi si riferisce a specie di animali d’interesse. Per una giornata nel prossimo anno condividiamo il cielo per esprimere un messaggio di solidarieta a tutte le forme di vita che abitano il nostro pianeta.

Chiedo ad ognuno di voi interessati a promuovere questo progetto di lasciare un messaggio di supporto e il modo migliore per comunicarvi.



Fly a Kite for Endangered Species Event

Fly a Kite for Endangered Species Event
©Domenico D’Alessandro 2013

Flying kites is one of the most loved and creative hobbies shared around the world. The Fly a Kite for Endangered Species proposes to create a one day event on the centenary of the death of the last passenger pigeon (September 1, 1914) and promote the protection for all endangered species on this planet.  The goals are to disseminate information on the plight of fellow creatures and raise money to donate to WWF. This idea came to me as a participant artist in the Project Passenger Pigeon. As I was working on my particular art work for the occasion it dawned on me that a large participatory event would generate more interest than any personal art piece. My blogs have been accessed by people in 41 countries thus far, I will need your help to make this event a reality. I am asking those of you  associated with an institution or know someone that is to get the ball rolling in your part of the world by inviting people to read this post and leave messages for further communication and planning. You can also contact me directly at

The aim is to have a world-wide coordinated event with shared photos and videos collected on the Fly a Kite for Endangered Species website (to be created). All kite organizations and art institutes are welcome to participate by registering on this website. A special request of participation goes to school districts around the world to have children involved in this event.  Once registered, participants can post progress reports and communicate with each other.

Content of kite graphics and form should have a reference to the passenger pigeon and portray a current endangered species preferably from the region of participation. For schools - along with creating kites students can investigate a particular endangered species of choice and create posters for display during the kite flying event. Teachers can decide whether the project be an individual or group undertaking. A selected number of posters will be displayed on the Fly a Kite for Endangered Species website. Participants give permission for their material to be edited into a composite video of all the events and  other forms of publication.

If successful, the visual effects will be stunning: skies full of creative kites, rows of educational posters, new educational curricula for teachers, and a cultural uplifting commitment to saving biodiversity and species. There may be elements appropriate to political agendas at the neighborhood, civic, state and national levels. Park districts, nature preserves, national parks and other organizations may also find value in this event. The annual kite festivals already in existence around the world demonstrate the creativity, beauty and affection that people share for this activity and show interest in fellow creatures. . For one day next year let's all share the sky to deliver a message of compassion for other life forms that share our planet home and contribute to their survival.

Please leave a message of support, the more interest the better chance of success.
Thank you,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday poem - I extend my arms

This poem is part of a series titled 'Huron Days' I wrote in 1995 during a week's stay at  Pinery Provincial Park, located on the eastern shores of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.


I extend my arms and

with arched fingers

 grasp these clouds in

 the whitewashed light

 of a late summer sun

 clinging to elusive thoughts


 I chase your shadow

 slithering swiftly across

 these sands the way

 a leaf is swept by wind


only the rushes can

 steal your eyes

 from the waters that

 lie like a mirror

 patiently waiting

 to swallow our forms

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday poem - I touched these waters

This poem is part of a series titled 'Huron Days' I wrote in 1995 during a week's stay at  Pinery Provincial Park, located on the eastern shores of Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.

I touched these waters
where called a different name
and these sunsets that
wrap your head like a shroud
I toss my body
between dunes into
pockets of stillness
striving for unison
I bury my flesh like
a Silverweed that burrows horizontally
a flowering surface web
desiccated roots
struggle to grip
the fleeting sand
of these nomadic contours
in this bowl of silence
one can escape the world
in a molding oasis of
erasable occurrences
a land of flotsam memories
that persist like the heartbeat
of a whole firmament
releasing multi-tonal melodies
in shimmering colors