Sunday, May 8, 2016

I have let this blog lapse for a long time, the reasons are not all clear to me. I guess one would be I have few words to say on how things have progressed, especially in the election process we are witnessing here in the States. We are now flirting with fascism on one side and coronation on the other. Democracy seems to be vanishing at every turn of the page. The way the TTIP and the TPP are promoted by governments and the powerful corporate cartels demonstrate to me that the coup de tat is almost complete. We may soon be living under global corporate oligarchy unless the people rise up to stop this. But the fact is that all the ways the people can respond and the very process of voting is now being fashioned by bias and a truly inept news media that is willing to play to the scandals and the reality show bits rather than inform people or search for truths. The reality for me is more surreal than any scenario my imagination could create and thus has silenced much of my spirit.

So in order to keep this blog from disappearing I can only at this point in time publish my nature journal pages that have been a refuge for my soul. In them I try to cling to a connection to the natural world that still awes me at times despite the dire predictions.